User Parameter Interface - 1.0 English

AXI Endpoint Protection Unit LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG418)

Document ID
Release Date
1.0 English
Table 1. User Parameter Interface
Parameter Name Format/Range Default Value Description
ADDR_WIDTH 12≤ Integer≤ 64 12 Width of {s,m}_axi_{ar,aw}addr
ID_WIDTH 0 ≤ integer ≤ 32 0 Width of {s,m}_axi_{ar,aw,w,r,b}id.
DATA_WIDTH integer = {32, 64, 128, 256, 512,1024} 32 Width of {s,m}_axi_{r,w}data
AR_USER_WIDTH 10 ≤ integer ≤ 1024 10 Width of {s,m}_axi_aruser
AW_USER_WIDTH 10 ≤ integer ≤ 1024 10 Width of {s,m}_axi_awuser
RUSER_WIDTH 0 ≤ integer ≤ 1024 0 Width of {s,m}_axi_ruser.
WUSER_WIDTH 0 ≤ integer ≤ 1024 0 Width of {s,m}_axi_wuser.
BUSER_WIDTH 0 ≤ integer ≤ 1024 0 Width of {s,m}_axi_buser.
NUM_MID 1 ≤ integer ≤ 20 1 Number of manager IDs.
SMID_<00> to SMID_<19> Each SMID is of 10 bits.10-bit Hex format, for example, 0x0A3 0x000 to 0x013 10-bit SMID for each manager ID.
MASK_<00> to MASK_<19> Each MASK is of 10 bits. 10-bit Hex format, for example, 0x3FF Each mask 0x3FF 10-bit mask for each manager ID.
MID_MODE_<00> to MID_MODE_<19> string = {Read Only,Read Write} Read Write R/W access mode for each manager ID.
NUM_SEG 0 ≤ integer ≤ 255 1 Number of segments.
SEG_<000>_BASE_ADDR to SEG_<255>_BASE_ADDR 64-bit Hex format, for example, 0x0000000000010000 0x0000000000000000 Each address segment base address.
SEG_<000>_SIZE to SEG_<255>_SIZE String={4K,8K,16K.….16E} (4K=2^12 to 16E=2^64) 64K Size of each address segment.

Range: 2^12 to 2^64 (4K to 16E)








integer = {0,1} 0 Each manager ID permitted/not permitted information for each address segment.
  • 0: Not permitted
  • 1: Permitted
SEG_<000>_NS to SEG_<255>_NS String Secure Segment Secure/Nonsecure access.
  • 0: Secure
  • 1: Nonsecure
DEF_READ String If NUM_SEG=0:Allow If NUM_SEG>0: Block Default read behavior if no address segment matches with the transaction address.
  • Read behavior 1: Allow
  • 0: Block
DEF_WRITE String If NUM_SEG=0: Allow If NUM_SEG>0: Block Default write behavior if no address segment matches with the transaction address.
  • 1: Allow
  • 0: Block
DEF_NS String If NUM_SEG=0: Nonsecure If NUM_SEG>0: Secure Default Secure/Non-secure status if no address segment matches with the transaction address.
  • 0: Secure
  • 1: Nonsecure
ERR_RESPONSE String DECERR When a read/write transaction is blocked, an error response is selected (OKAY-2'b00/DECERR-2'b11) and sent on the s_axi_rresp/s_axi_bresp port.
HAS_S_AXILITE integer = {0,1} 0 Enables the AXI4-Lite interface to read status and interrupt registers, and interrupt output to signal interrupts.
  • 1: AXI4-Lite interface and interrupt output.
  • 0: No AXI4-Lite interface, no interrupt output.