Reusing x86 Simulator Options - 2023.2 English

AI Engine Tools and Flows User Guide (UG1076)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

The x86simulator generates an options file automatically when using command-line arguments and is stored in the Work/options directory. The resulting options file can be manually adjusted with other options as specified in the following table.

Note: Only a subset of the x86 simulator options are supported in the software emulation flow.

Depending on the configuration of software emulation, you can reuse x86 simulation options when the PS is configured to the use the QEMU model or the X86 model.

When the PS is configured to use the x86 model, use the following environment variable to specify the location of the x86 options file.

setenv X86SIM_OPTIONSPATH <x86 options file location>

For details on building the application in software emulation for x86 model, see Embedded Processor Emulation Using PS on x86 in Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393).

When the PS is configured to use the QEMU model, use the following command line option for software emulation using, as described in Running Emulation Targets in Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393).

./ -x86-sim-options ${FULL_PATH}/Work/options/x86sim.option

Where the ${FULL_PATH} is the full path to the file.

Table 1. x86 Simulator Options Supported in the Software Emulation Flow
x86 Sim Option Value Description
dump <yes>/<no> Dumps out the input and output data snapshots for every iteration of individual AI Engine kernel ports.
trace <yes>/<no> Provides a timestamped view of events that occurred during AI Engine graph execution. This includes stalls, graph start/stop, and iteration start/stop with respective timestamps.
trace-print <yes>/<no> Prints out trace in the terminal and exports trace file result