A53_CTI_2 Module

Zynq UltraScale+ Devices Register Reference (UG1087)

Document ID
Release Date

A53_CTI_2 Module Description

Module NameA53_CTI_2 Module
Modules of this TypeCORESIGHT_A53_CTI_2
Base Addresses 0x00FEE20000 (CORESIGHT_A53_CTI_2)
DescriptionAPU 0 Cross Trigger Interface

A53_CTI_2 Module Register Summary

Register NameOffset AddressWidthTypeReset ValueDescription
CTICONTROL0x000000000032rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Control Register enables the CTI.
CTIINTACK0x000000001032woWrite-only0x00000000The CTI Interrupt Acknowledge Register is write-only. Any bits written as a 1 cause the ctitrigout output signal to be acknowledged. The acknowledgement is cleared when MAPTRIGOUT is deactivated. This register is used when the ctitrigout is used as a sticky output, that is, no hardware acknowledge is supplied, and a software acknowledge is required.
CTIAPPSET0x000000001432woWrite-only0x00000000The CTI Application Trigger Set Register is read/write. A write to this register causes a channel event to be raised, corresponding to the bit written to.
CTIAPPCLEAR0x000000001832woWrite-only0x00000000The CTI Interrupt Acknowledge Register is write-only. A write to this register causes a channel event to be cleared, corresponding to the bit written to.
CTIAPPPULSE0x000000001C32woWrite-only0x00000000The CTI Application Pulse Register is write-only. A write to this register causes a channel event pulse, one cticlk period, to be generated, corresponding to the bit written to. The pulse external to the ECT can be extended to multi-cycle by the handshaking interface circuits. This register clears itself immediately, so it can be repeatedly written to without software having to clear it.
CTIINEN00x000000002032rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Trigger 0 to Channel Enable Register enables the signalling of an event on CTM channels when the core issues a trigger, ctitrigin, to the CTI. Within this register there is one bit for each of the four channels implemented. This register does not affect the application trigger operations.
CTIINEN10x000000002432rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Trigger 1 to Channel Enable Register enables the signalling of an event on CTM channels when the core issues a trigger, ctitrigin, to the CTI. Within this register there is one bit for each of the four channels implemented. This register does not affect the application trigger operations.
CTIINEN20x000000002832rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Trigger to Channel Enable Register 0 enables the signalling of an event on CTM channels when the core issues a trigger, ctitrigin, to the CTI. Within this register there is one bit for each of the four channels implemented. This register does not affect the application trigger operations.
CTIINEN30x000000002C32rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Trigger to Channel Enable Register 0 enables the signalling of an event on CTM channels when the core issues a trigger, ctitrigin, to the CTI. Within this register there is one bit for each of the four channels implemented. This register does not affect the application trigger operations.
CTIINEN40x000000003032rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Trigger to Channel Enable Register 0 enables the signalling of an event on CTM channels when the core issues a trigger, ctitrigin, to the CTI. Within this register there is one bit for each of the four channels implemented. This register does not affect the application trigger operations.
CTIINEN50x000000003432rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Trigger to Channel Enable Register 0 enables the signalling of an event on CTM channels when the core issues a trigger, ctitrigin, to the CTI. Within this register there is one bit for each of the four channels implemented. This register does not affect the application trigger operations.
CTIINEN60x000000003832rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Trigger to Channel Enable Register 0 enables the signalling of an event on CTM channels when the core issues a trigger, ctitrigin, to the CTI. Within this register there is one bit for each of the four channels implemented. This register does not affect the application trigger operations.
CTIINEN70x000000003C32rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Trigger to Channel Enable Register 0 enables the signalling of an event on CTM channels when the core issues a trigger, ctitrigin, to the CTI. Within this register there is one bit for each of the four channels implemented. This register does not affect the application trigger operations.
CTIOUTEN00x00000000A032rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Channel to Trigger 0 Enable Registers define which channels can generate a ctitrigout[0] output. Within this register there is one bit for each of the four channels implemented. This register affects the mapping from application trigger to trigger outputs.
CTIOUTEN10x00000000A432rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Channel to Trigger 1 Enable Registers define which channels can generate a ctitrigout[1] output. Within this register there is one bit for each of the four channels implemented. This register affects the mapping from application trigger to trigger outputs.
CTIOUTEN20x00000000A832rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Channel to Trigger 2 Enable Registers define which channels can generate a ctitrigout[2] output. Within this register there is one bit for each of the four channels implemented. This register affects the mapping from application trigger to trigger outputs.
CTIOUTEN30x00000000AC32rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Channel to Trigger 3 Enable Registers define which channels can generate a ctitrigout[3] output. Within this register there is one bit for each of the four channels implemented. This register affects the mapping from application trigger to trigger outputs.
CTIOUTEN40x00000000B032rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Channel to Trigger 4 Enable Registers define which channels can generate a ctitrigout[4] output. Within this register there is one bit for each of the four channels implemented. This register affects the mapping from application trigger to trigger outputs.
CTIOUTEN50x00000000B432rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Channel to Trigger 5 Enable Registers define which channels can generate a ctitrigout[5] output. Within this register there is one bit for each of the four channels implemented. This register affects the mapping from application trigger to trigger outputs.
CTIOUTEN60x00000000B832rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Channel to Trigger 6 Enable Registers define which channels can generate a ctitrigout[6] output. Within this register there is one bit for each of the four channels implemented. This register affects the mapping from application trigger to trigger outputs.
CTIOUTEN70x00000000BC32rwNormal read/write0x00000000The CTI Channel to Trigger 7 Enable Registers define which channels can generate a ctitrigout[7] output. Within this register there is one bit for each of the four channels implemented. This register affects the mapping from application trigger to trigger outputs.
CTITRIGINSTATUS0x000000013032roRead-only0x00000000The CTI Trigger In Status Register provides the status of the ctitrigin inputs.
CTITRIGOUTSTATUS0x000000013432roRead-only0x00000000The CTI Trigger Out Status Register provides the status of the ctitrigout outputs.
CTICHINSTATUS0x000000013832roRead-only0x00000000The CTI Channel In Status Register provides the status of the ctichin inputs.
CTICHOUTSTATUS0x000000013C32roRead-only0x00000000The CTI Channel Out Status Register provides the status of the CTI ctichout outputs.
CTIGATE0x000000014032rwNormal read/write0x0000000FThe Gate Enable Register prevents the channels from propagating through the CTM to other CTIs. This enables local cross-triggering, for example for causing an interrupt when the ETM trigger occurs. It can be used effectively with CTIAPPSET, CTIAPPCLEAR, and CTIAPPPULSE for asserting trigger outputs by asserting channels, without affecting the rest of the system. On reset, this register is 0xF, and channel propagation is enabled.
ASICCTL0x000000014432rwNormal read/write0x00000000Implementation-defined ASIC control, value written to the register is output on asicctl[7:0].
ITCTRL0x0000000F0032rwNormal read/write0x00000000CTI Integration mode Control Register
CLAIMSET0x0000000FA032rwNormal read/write0x0000000FCTI Claim Set
CLAIMCLR0x0000000FA432rwNormal read/write0x00000000CTI Claim Clear
DEVAFF00x0000000FA832roRead-only0x80000002CTI Device Affinity Register 0
DEVAFF10x0000000FAC32roRead-only0x00000000CTI Device Affinity Register 1
LAR0x0000000FB032woWrite-only0x00000000CTI Lock Access Register
LSR0x0000000FB432roRead-only0x00000000CTI Lock Status Register
AUTHSTATUS0x0000000FB832roRead-only0x0000000ACTI Authentication Status Register
DEVARCH0x0000000FBC32roRead-only0x47701A14CTI Device Architecture Register
DEVID0x0000000FC832roRead-only0x01040800CTI Device ID Register 0
DEVTYPE0x0000000FCC32roRead-only0x00000014CTI Device Type Register
PIDR40x0000000FD032roRead-only0x00000004CTI Peripheral Identification Register 4
PIDR50x0000000FD432roRead-only0x00000000CTI Peripheral Identification Register 5
PIDR60x0000000FD832roRead-only0x00000000CTI Peripheral Identification Register 6
PIDR70x0000000FDC32roRead-only0x00000000CTI Peripheral Identification Register 7
PIDR00x0000000FE032roRead-only0x000000A8CTI Peripheral Identification Register 0
PIDR10x0000000FE432roRead-only0x000000B9CTI Peripheral Identification Register 1
PIDR20x0000000FE832roRead-only0x0000004BCTI Peripheral Identification Register 2
PIDR30x0000000FEC32roRead-only0x00000000CTI Peripheral Identification Register 3
CIDR00x0000000FF032roRead-only0x0000000DCTI Component Identification Register 0
CIDR10x0000000FF432roRead-only0x00000090CTI Component Identification Register 1
CIDR20x0000000FF832roRead-only0x00000005CTI Component Identification Register 2
CIDR30x0000000FFC32roRead-only0x000000B1CTI Component Identification Register 3