CLK104 RF Clock Add-on Card Configuration with the ZCU216 SCUI

CLK104 RF Clock Add-on Card User Guide (UG1437)

Document ID
Release Date
1.1 English

Clock Configuration Files

The PLL configuration files are included with the ZCU216 SCUI. New PLL configuration files can be added to the corresponding clock files folder before launching the SCUI as shown in the following screen capture.
The naming convention of the LMK04828B (U2) configuration files are as follows:
  • Example: LMK04828B_BxxxxMx_DualLoop_C0in10M_C1in10M_C2in156M25_DATECODE.txt
    • BxxxxMx: PLL2 internal VCO frequency
    • DualLoop or Nested: LMK mode
    • C0in_xxM: Cin0 input reference frequency
    • C1in_yyM: Cin1 input reference frequency
    • C2inzzMzz: Cin2 input reference frequency
The naming convention of the LMK2594 ADC/DAC RF PLL (U5/U7) configuration files are as follows:
  • Example: LMX2594_REF-xxxMxx__OUT-xxxxMxx_DATECODE.txt
    • REF-xxxMxx: Expected input reference frequency
    • OUT-xxxxMxx: RF output frequency
Note: PLL configuration files that do not follow the naming conventions do not affect the configuration content, but will result in incorrect information in the SCUI.

Configuring Clock PLLs

Proceed as follows to configure the clock PLLs:
  1. From the \BoardUI\ working directory, double-click BoardUI.exe. The following is displayed:
  2. Click OK.
  3. Select the System_Controller tab, then the Clocks tab, followed by the CLK-104 tab.
  4. Select the expected clock file from the pull-down menu adjacent to the Set LMK04828 Params button. Click Set LMK04828 Params button and wait until the DS1 LED illuminates (green).
  5. Select the expected clock file from the pull-down menu adjacent to the Set LMX2594 ADC freq button. Click Set LMX2594 ADC freq button and wait until the DS2 LED illuminates (green).
  6. Select the expected clock file from the pull-down menu adjacent to the Set LMX2594 DAC freq button. Click LMX2594 DAC freq button and wait until the DS2 LED illuminates (green).