Connections without Onload

Onload User Guide (UG1586)

Document ID
Release Date
1.2 English

The benchmark performance tests can be run without Onload using the regular kernel network drivers. To do this remove the onload part from the command line.

HTTP Connections with nginx

Run the nginx application on system-2, increasing the number of file descriptors available:

[system-2]# ulimit -n 1000000 && nginx

Run multiple instances of the wrk application on system-1, so there is the capacity to generate more connection requests than can be handled. A zero-byte file is requested, and the “Connection: close” header is passed to close the connection immediately:

[system-1]# for i in {1..3}; do taskset -c $i wrk -t 1 -c 50 -d 10s
-H 'Connection: close' http://system-2/0kb.bin & done

Each instance outputs its own results. Aggregating the results gives the following totals:

Requests/sec: 34431.98
Transfer/sec:        8.02MB

The server handles only 34431 connections per second (Requests/sec). This rate is greatly reduced compared to that achieved with Onload (see Connections with Onload above).