Throughput without Onload

Onload User Guide (UG1586)

Document ID
Release Date
1.2 English

The benchmark performance tests can be run without Onload using the regular kernel network drivers. To do this remove the onload part from the command line.

TCP Throughput with Netperf

Run the net-server application on system-1:

[system-1]# pkill -f netserver
[system-1]# taskset -c 1 netserver

Run the netperf application on system-2:

[system-2]# taskset -c 1 \
   netperf -t TCP_RR -H <system1-ip> -l 10 -- -r 32
Socket  Size    Request Resp.   Elapsed Trans.
Send    Recv    Size    Size    Time    Rate
bytes   Bytes   bytes   bytes   secs.   per sec
16384   87380   32      32      10.00   135806.82

Observe the reduced transaction rate compared to that achieved with Onload (see Throughput with Onload above).