Enable HD.ISOLATED on Config2 RMs using Post-Synth Tcl Hook Script

Isolation Design Flow + Dynamic Function eXchange Example Application Note (XAPP1361)

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1.1 English
Important: These steps can be executed as an alternative to the previous two steps that enabled IDF, on the rp1rm2 and rp2rm2 RMs. This step must be performed before launching the Synthesis in the previous section.
  1. Create a file with the following contents and name the file: rp1_rm2_post_synth_tcl.tcl.
    set_property HD.ISOLATED true [get_cells shift] -quiet
     write_checkpoint -force -noxdef rp_shift.dcp
  2. Create one more file with the following contents and name the file: rp2_rm2_post_synth_tcl.tcl.
    set_property HD.ISOLATED true [get_cells count] -quiet
    write_checkpoint -force -noxdef rp_count.dcp
  3. Add the created files to the project by running the following commands from the Tcl console.
    add_files -fileset utils_1 -norecurse ./rp1_rm2_post_synth_tcl.tcl
    add_files -fileset utils_1 -norecurse ./rp2_rm2_post_synth_tcl.tcl
  4. Add rp1_rm2_post_synth_tcl.tcl and rp2_rm2_post_synth_tcl.tcl files as post-synth Tcl Hook scripts for the corresponding synthesis runs, by running the following commands from the Tcl console.
    set_property STEPS.SYNTH_DESIGN.TCL.POST [ get_files ./rp1_rm2_post_synth_tcl.tcl -of 
    [get_fileset utils_1] ] [get_runs shift_left_synth_1]
    set_property STEPS.SYNTH_DESIGN.TCL.POST [ get_files ./rp2_rm2_post_synth_tcl.tcl -of 
    [get_fileset utils_1] ] [get_runs count_down_synth_1]
  5. Launch Synthesis.