在 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC 上调试应用 - 2023.2 简体中文

Vitis 统一软件平台文档 嵌入式软件开发 (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 简体中文
注释: 为简便起见,本帮助页面假定 AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC 在 JTAG 启动模式下启动。此处所描述的流程也可应用于其他启动模式,只需稍作更改即可。

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC 以 JTAG 启动模式启动时,所有 Cortex®-A53 核与 Cortex®-R5F 核都置于复位状态。您必须清除每个核上的复位,然后才能对这些核进行调试。XSCT 中的 rst 命令可用于清除复位。rst -processor 可用于清除各处理器核上的复位。对于包含当前目标作为子项的组(例如,APU 或 RPU),运行 rst -cores 即可清除组中的所有处理器核上的复位。例如,当 Cortex-A53 #0 为当前目标时,rst -cores 会清除 APU 中的所有 Cortex-A53 核上的复位。

以下 XSCT 会话示例演示了如何在 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCCortex-A53 #0 核上执行独立应用调试。

注释: 类似步骤可用于调试 Cortex-R5F 核以及 Cortex-A53 核(32 位模式)上的应用。但 Cortex-A53 核必须置于 32 位模式下,而后才能调试应用。此操作可在 POR 完成后并在清除 Cortex-A53 复位之前完成。
#connect to remote hw_server by specifying its url. 
If the hardware is connected to a local machine,-url option and the <url> 
are not needed. connect command returns the channel ID of the connection

xsdb% connect -url TCP:xhdbfarmc7:3121 -symbols

# List available targets and select a target through its id. 
The targets are assigned IDs as they are discovered on the Jtag chain, 
so the IDs can change from session to session. 
For non-interactive usage, -filter option can be used to select a target, 
instead of selecting the target through its ID

xsdb% targets
  1  PS TAP
     2  PMU
        3  MicroBlaze PMU (Sleeping. No clock)
     4  PL
  5  PSU
     6  RPU (Reset)
        7  Cortex-R5 #0 (RPU Reset)
        8  Cortex-R5 #1 (RPU Reset)
     9  APU (L2 Cache Reset)
       10  Cortex-A53 #0 (APU Reset)
       11  Cortex-A53 #1 (APU Reset)
       12  Cortex-A53 #2 (APU Reset)
       13  Cortex-A53 #3 (APU Reset)
xsdb% targets 5

# Configure the FPGA. When the active target is not a FPGA device, 
the first FPGA device is configured

xsdb% fpga ZCU102_HwPlatform/design_1_wrapper.bit
100%    36MB   1.8MB/s  00:24

# Source the psu_init.tcl script and run psu_init command to initialize PS
xsdb% source ZCU102_HwPlatform/psu_init.tcl
xsdb% psu_init

# PS-PL power isolation must be removed and PL reset must be toggled, 
before the PL address space can be accessed

# Some delay is needed between these steps

xsdb% after 1000
xsdb% psu_ps_pl_isolation_removal
xsdb% after 1000
xsdb% psu_ps_pl_reset_config

# Select A53 #0 and clear its reset

# To debug 32 bit applications on A53, A53 core must be configured 
to boot in 32 bit mode, before the resets are cleared

# 32 bit mode can be enabled through CONFIG_0 register in APU module. 
See ZynqMP TRM for details about this register

xsdb% targets 10
xsdb% rst -processor

# Download the application program

xsdb% dow dhrystone/Debug/dhrystone.elf
Downloading Program -- dhrystone/Debug/dhrystone.elf
                section, .text: 0xfffc0000 - 0xfffd52c3
                section, .init: 0xfffd5300 - 0xfffd5333
                section, .fini: 0xfffd5340 - 0xfffd5373
                section, .note.gnu.build-id: 0xfffd5374 - 0xfffd5397
                section, .rodata: 0xfffd5398 - 0xfffd6007
                section, .rodata1: 0xfffd6008 - 0xfffd603f
                section, .data: 0xfffd6040 - 0xfffd71ff
                section, .eh_frame: 0xfffd7200 - 0xfffd7203
                section, .mmu_tbl0: 0xfffd8000 - 0xfffd800f
                section, .mmu_tbl1: 0xfffd9000 - 0xfffdafff
                section, .mmu_tbl2: 0xfffdb000 - 0xfffdefff
                section, .init_array: 0xfffdf000 - 0xfffdf007
                section, .fini_array: 0xfffdf008 - 0xfffdf047
                section, .sdata: 0xfffdf048 - 0xfffdf07f
                section, .bss: 0xfffdf080 - 0xfffe197f
                section, .heap: 0xfffe1980 - 0xfffe397f
                section, .stack: 0xfffe3980 - 0xfffe697f
100%    0MB   0.4MB/s  00:00   
Setting PC to Program Start Address 0xfffc0000
Successfully downloaded dhrystone/Debug/dhrystone.elf

# Set a breakpoint at main()
xsdb% bpadd -addr &main

# Resume the processor core
xsdb% con

# Info message is displayed when the core hits the breakpoint
Info: Cortex-A53 #0 (target 10) Running
xsdb% Info: Cortex-A53 #0 (target 10) Stopped at 0xfffc0d5c (Breakpoint)

# Registers can be viewed when the core is stopped
xsdb% rrd
  r0: 0000000000000000    r1: 0000000000000000    r2: 0000000000000000
  r3: 0000000000000004    r4: 000000000000000f    r5: 00000000ffffffff
  r6: 000000000000001c    r7: 0000000000000002    r8: 00000000ffffffff
  r9: 0000000000000000   r10: 0000000000000000   r11: 0000000000000000
 r12: 0000000000000000   r13: 0000000000000000   r14: 0000000000000000
 r15: 0000000000000000   r16: 0000000000000000   r17: 0000000000000000
 r18: 0000000000000000   r19: 0000000000000000   r20: 0000000000000000
 r21: 0000000000000000   r22: 0000000000000000   r23: 0000000000000000
 r24: 0000000000000000   r25: 0000000000000000   r26: 0000000000000000
 r27: 0000000000000000   r28: 0000000000000000   r29: 0000000000000000
 r30: 00000000fffc1f4c    sp: 00000000fffe5980    pc: 00000000fffc0d5c
cpsr:         600002cd   vfp                     sys                  

# Local variables can be viewed
xsdb% locals
Int_1_Loc       : 1113232
Int_2_Loc       : 30
Int_3_Loc       : 0
Ch_Index        : 0
Enum_Loc        : 0
Str_1_Loc       : char[31]
Str_2_Loc       : char[31]
Run_Index       : 1061232
Number_Of_Runs  : 2

# Local variable value can be modified
xsdb% locals Number_Of_Runs 100
xsdb% locals Number_Of_Runs
Number_Of_Runs  : 100

# Global variables and be displayed, and its value can be modified
xsdb% print Int_Glob
Int_Glob  : 0
xsdb% print -set Int_Glob 23
xsdb% print Int_Glob
Int_Glob  : 23

# Expressions can be evaluated and its value can be displayed
xsdb% print Int_Glob + 1 * 2
Int_Glob + 1 * 2  : 25

# Step over a line of source code
xsdb% nxt
Info: Cortex-A53 #0 (target 10) Stopped at 0xfffc0d64 (Step)

# View stack trace
xsdb% bt
    0  0xfffc0d64 main()+8: ../src/dhry_1.c, line 79
    1  0xfffc1f4c _startup()+84: xil-crt0.S, line 110
注释: 如果无法从当前正在运行服务器的远程机器访问 .elf 文件,则应给 xsdb% connect -url TCP:xhdbfarmc7:3121 命令追加 -symbols 选项,如以下示例所示。